Group Coaching Sessions

Life coaching still has a world of mystery attached to it.
Some are unsure of what it is and how it is going to support them.
Others think they aren’t the sort of person who qualifies for coaching support.
And others will be frightened by the process and the outcomes.
But, life coaching can be for everyone
Why stay where you are when you could be somewhere different and have something better for yourself and your family?
Before we go any further I would like to ask you some questions because I am concerned about how you’re managing what you want out of life.
Where are you at with life right now?
Would you like something better for yourself?
Is there something missing in your life that you’d love to have in your life?
These are important to address otherwise you’re likely to have a life of regrets.
Regretting that you didn’t make changes to your life sooner.
Regret that you didn’t address that real need for something better for yourself.
Regret that you struggled when life could have been so much easier for you.

We all need extra support from time to time to be able to open up, be honest with ourselves and start spending time finding the best way to address what is troubling us.
That’s why so many of my clients before coming to me have spent time reading self-help books, watching YouTube, videos and listening to Podcasts. They do this because at the time it feels like the best way forward.
They can stay invisible, they don’t have to commit to making change, they can keep it impersonal, and they don’t have to say out loud what they are really thinking and feeling inside.
Having life coaching can feel like a massive commitment and seems extremely costly if you don’t know how it works and what you’re going to achieve.
You see it’s effortless to say:
If this sounds familiar to you and you have thought about having life coaching, but you aren’t sure I have a suggestion.
Would you like to be part of group coaching sessions?
A group that would meet up once a week on a set day, a set time, to start working on the changes you would like to make in your life. At a manageable cost.
This would give you a flavour of what coaching is like. It would get you started in a safe environment but give you something more personal than self-help books, YouTube videos and podcasts.
If this sounds as if it might be for you and you would like to know more register below and I will be in touch to discuss it with you.
What Past Clients Have Expressed After Their Discovery Session
Wow, I can see a lot more clearly what I want and need to change in my life
My life isn’t as bad as I had imagined, but I know I still want to do a lot of work to make my life better for myself.
I found today really helpful and inspiring, thank you. I’d have liked to have shared this with my Mum as she wanted my life back on track. Maybe she is looking down though.