Knowing how to reflect on your year and celebrate is an important process to bring the year to a close and the New Year in. The majority are so eager to set New Year resolutions they forget the importance of reflection. This is why I have set out 4 tips to help you reflect on your successes and achievements so you can celebrate and make great lasting memories.
The importance of reflecting on your success
The end of the year is often taken up with thoughts of Christmas, planning celebrations with family and friends, and often forgetting about ourselves and the past 12 months. But, before you rush into the next year you need to reflect on this year. If you don’t know what you achieved over the last 12 months how will you know where you want to be going? You need to know where you’re going so you can start heading in the right direction to achieve your goals and make your dreams come true.
The importance of celebrating your success
Celebrating your success and achievements is a great way to acknowledge your hard work and boost your confidence. Your successes, achievements, fun things that have happened, and celebrations of life don’t have to be only for huge events. It’s often the small celebrations that enrich our lives the most, for example, the fun time out with loved ones. Perhaps you went on an unexpected holiday. That conversation you had with a stranger that stuck with you. Someone from your past getting in touch with you again.
One experience has a knock-on effect on the next experience in your life. All of these experiences create memories good or bad. It’s what we then do with the outcomes of these experiences and memories that generate future thoughts, feelings and actions.
What can interfere with your success and achievements?
“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it.” John. C. Maxwell.
Life unfortunately can get in the way of great memories.
Going through difficult and painful changes will have an impact on your memories.
Going through a long-term trauma will affect how you see your life and the world.
Being worried about something coming up in the future will also remove you from what has gone well this year.
Wherever you are and whatever is happening in your life right now doesn’t have to stop you from reflecting on the last 12 months.
Here are some ideas to start celebrating your successes
1. Reflect on your success and achievements
Take some time to reflect on your accomplishments and how far you have come. Use your phone and diary to bring back the memories that have slipped your mind. Write down your achievements and the challenges you overcame. This will help you appreciate your progress and motivate you to achieve more. Don't be bashful about what has gone well for be honest about your accomplishments.
2. Share your success and achievements
Share your success with your loved ones, friends, or colleagues. You can send an email, make a phone call, or share your success on social media. Celebrating with others will help you feel more connected and supported. Sharing will also help to cement this success into your subconscious and be with you forever.
3. Reward yourself
Treat yourself to something special, like a nice dinner, a spa day, or a new gadget. You deserve it! To achieve that success or to overcome a challenge will have been a succession of actions that you could have interrupted at any moment, but you didn’t. However hard it was you continued through it and so the reward is well deserved.
4. Give back
Celebrate your success by giving back to your community. You can volunteer at a local charity, donate to a cause you care about, or mentor someone who is just starting out.
Looking To Your Future.
How you feel about your past can heavily influence how you feel about your future.
What sort of year do you want to have next year?
Do you want it to be different or more of the same?
If you want something different it’s time to start reflecting on the last 12 months, using these tips to help you.
Congratulations on your successes this year!
Now you can start planning for the year ahead and keep moving forward.
Plan for the future and more successes and achievements
Use your success and achievements as a springboard for future growth. Set new goals and create a plan to achieve them and then take action. Make sure you listen tentatively to your thoughts and feelings so you can make the next 12 months even better than previous years. This is the start of creating great memories when you go through the process again in 12 months.
Recognising and celebrating in this way will help you manage your daily challenges and chores in life more easily.
I hope these ideas will help you celebrate your successes and inspire you to achieve even more in the future!If you need extra support to help you achieve your dreams and goals or you want to overcome a difficult change in your life then instead of struggling on book a call with me and let's talk.
Let's talk about how I can support you and help you end the sadness to restore happiness back into you life.