There are always going to be times in life when you feel as if you’re on the edge of quitting a particular part of life. When you’re on the edge of your emotional, mental and physical limitations. Sometimes we put ourselves through them, such as an extreme feat of a physical challenge or we are thrown into them by circumstances that have been thrust upon us. Whichever it is you will go through a massive range of emotions and feelings, mentally and physically because your body will start to protest.
- Tiredness.
- Aching muscles.
- Extreme exhaustion.
- You will feel like giving up or quitting.
You might start saying to yourself:
- There’s no point.
- I might as well give up.
- It’s no use, I’m never going to make it.
- I wish I could disappear.
- I don’t care about anything anymore.
These are not great thoughts and feelings to have. In fact, they will be very frightening to experience let alone to speak about. At times like this, it’s important to realise that this is your mind and body trying to protect you. It is protecting you from creating more long-term harm to yourself.
“Why should I carry on if life is this bad?”
“Is all this pain and heartache really worth it?”
Kidding yourself that:
Worse things happen at sea.
Other people have worse things to go through than me.
I am being silly.
I am being selfish.
These statements may make you feel better for a short while but the thing to remember is, it’s happening to you right now. If life feels so desperate that you want to quit that is a good enough reason for you to take it seriously and start working out how to manage it. And, managing it might feel like an impossible task right now. Feeling as if there is no other way out. Wondering if you can’t do anything about it you might as well be gone. Knowing there is so much emotional pain there are no other options.
Where do you start when you feel like quitting?
We all feel like running away and hiding from what’s going on in life at times. But, trying to understand them is the start of unlocking the door to emotional freedom.
All of these feelings of wanting to quit a part of life will have come from somewhere. It may be one of these descriptions below or more likely a collection of them.
Overwhelm and Exhaustion: Sometimes, life can become overwhelming. The constant demands of work, relationships, chronic problems and responsibilities can drain our energy. Feeling exhausted and unable to cope may lead someone to consider quitting certain lifestyle choices or habits.
Lack of Progress or Satisfaction: Imagine working hard toward a goal, but not seeing any progress. It can be disheartening. When our efforts don’t yield the desired results, we might contemplate quitting. Whether it’s an unresolved trauma, a fitness routine, a career path, or a hobby, feeling stuck can prompt thoughts of giving up.
Procrastination and Bad Decision Making: Being able to get motivated can affect your levels of confidence. The fear of making bad decisions will also affect confidence levels. Perhaps making a series of bad decision in the past is now interfering with the ability to move forward and increase levels of self-doubt.
Fear of Failure or Success: Oddly enough, both fear of failure and fear of success can lead to quitting. Fear of failure makes us doubt our abilities, while fear of success can create anxiety about handling increased responsibilities. These fears might push someone to abandon their current lifestyle because of rising levels of self-sabotage.
Loneliness: Being alone is different to feeling alone or lonely. We can be around a lot of people who like us and love us but when we are having an internal struggle feeling alone can have a massive effect on how we see and feel about life.
Health Challenges: Health issues can significantly impact our lifestyle. Chronic pain, mental health struggles, or other medical conditions might make it difficult to maintain certain habits. In such cases, quitting might seem like the only option.
Shift in Priorities: As we grow and evolve, our priorities change. What once brought joy may no longer align with our current values. Someone might want to quit a lifestyle choice to make room for new experiences or passions.
Catastrophising: Getting so caught up in thoughts and feelings, fixating on the worst possible outcome is inevitable, even if it’s not.
How else can you support yourself when you feel like quitting?
Managing this pain is the second part of unlocking the door to emotional freedom and this starts with being totally honest with yourself.
Being totally honest with yourself and admitting how you’re really feeling. Shout it from the rooftops if needs be.
“I am feeling really shit today, I feel like quitting!”
“Because it feels as if everything is grinding me down right now.”
What can you control about this situation now?
Thinking about your long term goals will add greater pressure.
There are other options
- Remember, quitting isn’t always negative. Sometimes, it’s essential for growth and well-being to be at that edge. Instead of immediately giving up, consider these steps:
- Pause: Take a break, breath and recalibrate. Release excessive tension using relaxation techniques. Have a drink and take a walk.
- Reflect: Be kind to yourself. Acknowledge and accept your thoughts and feelings without self-criticism. Learn and understand from the experience.
- Remember: We all struggle with imposter syndrome and self-doubt, which can stop us from progressing. Instead, look beyond that fear to find what we would rather have in life.
- Stop and Listen: In times of distress, we only hear what we want to hear. Quit the selective hearing. This includes interference from other people, friends family, social media, as well as your own mindset and start tuning into other thoughts and feelings that could be more useful to you.
- Re-evaluate what you want in life. Seek support and encouragement. Look toward new aspirations rather than running away from perceived failure.
- Re-direction: Start putting into action small steps to take you nearer to where you would rather be.
Consider this:
Quitting isn’t an option but a redirection to new possibilities is.
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