People talk about goal setting as if it's easy but I beg to differ so here is one woman's take on goal setting.
Powerful goal setting is what is meant to keep us driven and working towards our dreams and desires to never-ending happiness and living a life in paradise.
Easy peasy lemon squeezy!
But is it really like that?
How often are you confronted with a goal-orientated question?
“What New Year’s resolutions are you setting for yourself?”
“Tell me about your 5 year plan?”
"What is your outcome from this meeting?”
How many times have you been asked these questions and your mind has gone blank, you have looked up to your right for inspiration and muttered, “Uuurm, not sure” and left you in a state of panic.

In my opinion, I think goal setting is actually quite difficult. Or perhaps the people who made the concept of goal setting haven’t taken into consideration the people who have different thinking patterns.
The Problem.
Even with the best goals in place, I think we can agree that life can get complicated at times. The unexpected can crop up along with our ever-changing roles and responsibilities losing confidence in our abilities, purpose and direction.
Where are the complications in life:
- Diagnosis of an illness or injury
- Being made redundant and retirement
- Loss of someone important to you
- Separation or divorce
- Mental health problems
All of those suggestions come with a range of symptoms and knock-on effect which can put us into a state of feeling:
- Lost and isolated
- Overwhelmed, exhausted and in a state of burnout
- Confused about what is happening and where you should be going
- De-motivated
- With a lack of clarity and focus to know where you need to go next.
- Anxiety and stress
With all of this, it can take time to get back on track. Having powerful goals is a great concept but being able to manage your life is just as important.
This is where we can get stuck.
This is when our brains can feel like a bag of knotted spaghetti slopping around inside our heads creating a confusing story we tell ourselves.
These feelings can happen for all sorts of reasons. More often than not these feelings come from a build-up of small problems that we may have tried to avoid by shovelling them into the back of the closet in our minds. Unfortunately, they also come from big, difficult and painful changes being thrown at us. Surprisingly, even when we have purposefully made a positive decision to make a change in our lives it can conjure up a variety of different thoughts and feelings.
What you might be experiencing.
- Lack of self-assurance doubting your ability to achieve
- Ruminating over what is happening and wallowing in self-pity
- Lost sight of your values, strengths, or passions.
- Worrying about making the "wrong" choice can paralyse your decision-making.
- Too many options or responsibilities can make it hard to focus and find clarity.
- Allowing past failures or traumas to play havoc with your confidence and the pursuit of new directions.
- Seeking perfection
- Resulting in anxiety and stress
The power of our mind and the automatic responses from our subconscious can easily take over. You see, our minds do not know what is real and true and what is false. It is what we choose to focus on, how we perceive ourselves, our situations and the fear of how others will perceive us that has a large impact on our state of mind, our foresight and our decision-making. Unfortunately, all of this can have a detrimental effect on how we manage our future and how we turn our problems, dreams and desires into manageable goals to be happy again.
So how can we look at goal setting differently?
I realise that GOAL is a great driving word but let’s look at this differently, instead of goals why not look at it like a sequence or series with different episodes rather like a drama on the TV and be SMART about how we create our intentions and our plans.

List of Steps
The Series
What does it look like and feel like as a whole?
Set out your intentions.
What’s the story?
What you want to achieve.
What’s the big picture look like?
What do you want to be thinking, feeling and doing by the end of the series?
Why do you want this?The Episodes
Breaking it down into small stories.
How are you going to do these episodes?
What are the baby steps or micro steps?
When are you going to do them?
How will you know you are nearer to your intentions, nearer your story?

Things To Ponder On
What are the problems, the concerns, the queries?
How are all these baby steps or micro steps going to fit into your regular daily life?
How much time can you give them?
How are you going to make them happen?
Who is your support network?
What do you need help with?
Who knows the answer to your queries?
Putting Them Into Action
Are you ready to start making changes in your life to move away from the drudge of your past and write a new story for yourself?
No action.
No series.
No results.

Are you ready to re-write your story?
If you are I would love to help you plan it out so you can tell your story with confidence, love and joy.
Book a no-obligation 30-minute conversation and let's talk.